As we begin the Reiwa era from today, May 1st, it is an ideal time to look back over the past three decades of life in Japan that comprised the Heisei period.

Beauty brand Shiseido here presents all the fashion styles from Heisei (1989 to 2019) in one minute. See how female clothing trends along with hair and makeup vogues apparently shifted over 30 years. And all modeled by one woman!

Though it was originally released last October, the video has recently gained renewed traction as the era officially changes.

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

Highlights include the “big hair” trends during the first few years of the Heisei period when the buoyant economic bubble was just about to end, followed by “kogao” (small face) Namie Amuro-esque beauty (1994-1998) and bronze gyaru fashion (1999-2003). In all, Shiseido identify seven fashion and beauty types that dominated at certain years of Heisei.

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

heisei beauty fashion makeup hair trend change japan shiseido

We have seen similar retrospectively inclined videos and projects before, such as one charting eyebrow trends in Heisei or the evolution of high school girl fashion.

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